
Online Clinical
Pilates & Rehab


A library of over 200 on-demand Clinical Pilates-based videos

Experienced Certified Pilates Instructor with a background in Physiotherapy & Pain Management

New videos added regularly

Minimal equipment required

Classes at various levels to help manage pain & promote recovery from injury or surgery

Exercise videos tailored to you, based on your preferences & history provided at sign-up

Have an injury or condition and worried about exercising?

Be confident exercising under the instruction of an experienced & knowledgeable Certified Pilates Instructor with a BSc in Physiotherapy & MSc in Pain Management.

Blog Posts

Low Back Pain & Exercise

By Jenny

Unsure about exercising with low back pain? 

Want to know more about evidence based best-practice clinical guidelines?

What is Clinical Pilates?

By Jenny

Want to know more about what it is and who is it for?


What Equipment Do I Need?

By Jenny

We don’t expect you to go out and buy fancy Pilates bits and bobs!


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